I feel like the new girl

Lack of posts recently, mainly because I’ve been working away and having to contend with the lack of quality Wi-Fi in hotels or having to pay to use more than 30 minute’s!

It also has a lot to do with not applying for that many roles, as I have had a stay of execution from being made redundant.  It does however now mean that I’m back in limbo as my contract now doesn’t end until the end of October.

Part of my new role is working in an office, something I haven’t done on a daily basis for over 7 years (and I didn’t enjoy that either!).  Although it’s with the same company I feel like the new girl as I’m having to ask where everything is, normally I’m the one who knows how to get things done and I’m finding it hard asking for help.

This week I’ve been a HR assistant, systems tester, writer of manuals and tea maker.  I’d forgotten all about the politics, the clicks and the general etiquette… 

It’s almost felt like I’m being constantly watched and I’m conscious that people can hear my conversations, but I have to remember that I’ve already learnt how to zone out so they must do the same to me.

Rejection – Only negative if it doesn’t help you move forward 

That moment when an email from the company you interviewed with pops up in to your inbox…. And then you know, because if you had got the job they would have called.

Getting the email to say that you haven’t got the job is hard, especially when you really wanted it! But in reality and hindsight, was I really suited to an office job? I haven’t worked monday to Friday and 9-5 for so many years I’m not sure I could.

Im working away a lot, and a lot happier now than when I was stuck within four walls, and this all is helping me work out what I do want to do.

However I guess it helps I’m currently writing this whilst sat in a bar overlooking a beach in Greece.

Speaking to a few of the workers out here, their roles are all uncertain due to the whole Brexit.  Currently it not clear if they will be able to work here in the future or not, many was about to buy a place here but if she can’t work then what’s the point?

Last winter I applied for a summer reps job for this season, maybe now is ,y last chance to do it before free travel within Europe becomes a thing of the past?

But for now, my job search is on hold until I return from my break… I’m off sailing wp-1467801491757.jpg

The Interview

I went for an interview, this is the first one from my original batch of applications – I only heard back from one other to tell me that the company were not going to progress my application, but at least they acknowledged the effort of the application!

I got so nervous and ended up stressing myself out – to the point of being sick! 

 I worried about everything, from the perfect interview outfit, to what I needed to take with me.

After I had a word with myself and calmed down, I got ready for the interview and on my drive there I started to wonder…  Are the people that I interview that nervous?

The receptionist threw me – she had me in the diary for a different time!  I panicked as I thought I had made a mistake, first impressions and all that… turned out it was their error, but even she noticed that I was shaking.  My answer was that I think all people should be a little nervous about attending the interview, otherwise why would they go?  I guess it showed that I wanted the job.

I think the interview went ok – it was just over an hour and a half, and the people that interviewed me made the role sound really interesting and like a challenge.  Something I could really get my teeth stuck into.  I was told that I was 1 of 6 that they were interviewing, I was number 4 and they had two more next week and it was possible that they would hold second interviews too.

I even got brave and discussed wanting to wait for my redundancy… the only thing I still don’t know is the salary, as it wasn’t written on the advert and they refered me to the HR department. This to me seems strange as I don’t want to waste their time if I am unable to take the role due to the money not being enough.

There are lots of things written about interview etiquette, but I was always told just be yourself if it goes well they know what they are letting themselves into and if you don’t get the job then you never have to see them again!

Fingers crossed I guess 


Happy Flyday

I sent my CV off and have paid for the service of having a cover letter written too.  To me the price was quite expensive so I am hoping for good things, after all the job I’m after will involve a pay cut for me.

The experience this time hasn’t started particularly well, my scheduled meeting was  over half an hour late and so the consultation I paid for was a total of 15 minutes.  The guy didn’t fill me with confidence either. I don’t think there was any prep completed in advance of our call and it didn’t sound like he had even read the CV I had submitted.

When I interview I always re-read the CV prior to talking to the candidate, as I think it’s good manners to be able to refer to what they have written- it gives them a sense that they are not just another face that is there to make up the numbers, and after all they have taken the time and made an effort to be there*

I was told to send some information to him so that he could have a draft to me by the time I started work (I have a 15 minute drive – not exactly a large amount of time to draft CV and cover letter?!) As I write this I have been in work for three hours and not received anything…

On a positive note it’s Friday (or Flyday as a well known low cost airline advertises) and I have the weekend off to enjoy the sunshine, and research where to go on my next week of in July


*not all interview candidates are like this.


The dreaded CV

The idea of updating my CV fills me with dread, I haven’t touched it since I secured my last job over two years ago.  To be honest I haven’t wanted too, or even need too.  The last job I applied for, requested an application form to be completed, followed by recording a video interview which was a whole new horror!

I don’t like writing my cv as it means talking about myself (and yes I see the irony of writing a blog).

I’ve never found it easy listing my accomplishments and explaining what I do or have done.  It just doesn’t come naturally to me.

Over the years I have done a lot more recruitment, my last boss was happy for me to take this on as she hated the paperwork associated with it all.  I guess it also doesn’t help that I know what I’m looking for when I receive candidate CV’s.  This should be a blessing, but I find it to be a hindrance as I put a greater pressure on myself to get it right.

There are a growing number of companies that now offer the service of re-writing the CV on your behalf.  Once upon a time I would have said that this was only for people wanting to secure well paid jobs, or going for very senior management positions.

I decided to have mine done by a professional company, and the experience was very good. I went from no interest to getting three interviews a matter of weeks – I barely recognised myself it was that good.  The process was easy it involved me sending a the current draft and then a phone call was scheduled so that I could explain in more detail what roles and responsibilities were.

Because I’m looking to change industries this time, I will probably have it looked at again as it was definitely worth the money last time.  They write these things for a living so they will know the current industry specific buzzwords to use and those to avoid.  They can even provide a cover letter!

Im sure that I have the skills to make it in the travel industry, I just may need to dumb down my most recent role responsibilities as I don’t want to  scare potential recruiters off as I know I will have to take a step backwards in order to move forward.

For anyone that is interested in the company I previously used then just ask and no I’m not getting paid!


So here it begins…

bc01c8015d96d7ae3064e9b77b67a9e4Why have I decided to write this?  Well I’m looking to change direction in my career and thought it might be a good idea to document how it goes – fingers crossed it goes well and I am able to, but I also want to show how and why I do what I do.

I suppose I should explain a little about myself… I’m about to ‘level up’ in the game of life and know that I am being made redundant in the next few months.  After giving advice to colleagues about what their options are, I have begun to think more about mine.

Do I think anyone will read this? – Who knows! But if it helps me stand out or helps one other person to make the decision to follow their dream, then I’m happy.

I signed up for a HR course that would help me get me certified in an area I have a lot of experience in, but after seeing what I described as my dream job I realised it had nothing to do with the course I was about to spend 3k on!

So here come the hard bit… how do I get from where I am now (a manager for an iconic furniture retailer) to a role within the travel field.


Eek… yes I said it.  Travel is my passion.